Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My nephew has eczema, on steroid cream, but does not seem to help. any remedies?

Eczema is a sign of an imbalance within the body. Chinese medicine would first do a liver cleanse diet on your nephew to get rid of the toxins he%26#039;s not processing correctly. He should be taken off refined sugars and white breads, skip the dairy for now and drink a ton of water. Avoid foods with artificial ingredients. If you can balance his body within, the eczema should get much better if not go away.|||i%26#039;m an ex sufferer of eczema , my 7yr old nephew has eczema too sometimes.

for me it has been this- CATS(the worse thing is i love cats), extremes of heat and cold and a nickel allergy.

cats being the main one!

my sister has 6 cats and they make my nephew scratch loads but he loves them.

also she won%26#039;t let them go- i love cats but my nephew%26#039;s raw red skin- it%26#039;s not funny!

the fact that you are trying to do something - good for you.

other tips are pure cotton sheets only and i only wear natural fibres, no nylon etc.|||If the skin is red and broken avoid ointments, in my opinion ointments irritate even more. Consider bathing skin with milk, it worked for me but everyone is different. Just an idea, hope it works!|||I used Desitin... the rash ointment... on my daughter when she had eczema. It%26#039;s best to apply it as soon as they%26#039;re out of a bath. She had it in her scalp, on her arms, and behind her knees.|||after showering and washing up use BABY OIL all over and then tell him go back in the water ,tap dry -lol-edi|||evening primrose oil liqiud. a few drops on a teaspoon once a day. it worked for my 3mth son who had a large nasty patch on his chest which hydrocortisone got rid of for 1wk then came back witha vengeance. herbalist reccomeneded it. with my second son i cut open EPO capsules and put approx 5 drops on a teasppon. cleared up in 1 wk|||The best way to attack Eczema is to drink Aloe Vera Gel (not Juice) and use Aloe Vera Propolis Creme. Thus taking it on from inside and out. Our skin renews every 4 weeks so the Aloe drink strengthens the immune system and takes on the problem from within while the creme takes it on topically.

Another bit of advice is to avoid Aspartame, it causes all sorts of problems, including Skin rashes.|||homoeopathy remedies seem to work one of the first they will tell him is give up chocolate. good luck|||Here are a few sites for you. If memory serves me Willow and burdock are natural remedies. Eme, I%26#039;ll look it up when I get home (eta home = 4 hours)

http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=herbal+鈥?/a>|||two fantastic problems with very fast acting solutions. Sonya Dakar Irritation blend serum available on sonyadakar.com. its formulated with bergamot and omega 3 %26amp; 6 fatty acids...got rid of my mild facial eczema in about 2 days. and then follow up with aveeno hydrocortisan cream. my friend use it on her very bad eczema on her legs--almost gone now. its pricey but def works.

earlier suggestion to use baby oil is probably not the best. its got mineral oils that actually clog pores and further irritate skin.|||Steroids are harmful in the long run because they suppress the eczema rather than curing it.

I suffered from eczema for 25 years and it is finally under control thanks to the comination of the following:

I visited a Chinese doctor and the hebs that he prescribed were almost like magic. The horrible red scaly rash disappeared in days. He did point out that the eczema would inevitably return and that my body would develop an immunity and recommended an allergy test. This revealed all the things I am allergic to and some things like making sure the pillows and duvet are synthetic and filtering tap water before drinking it have really helped. Also, when the rash appeared I found that lotions and oils actually aggrivated the rash. What helped was drying the afflicted area and smoothing talcum powder over it.

Finally, I also went onto time release anti-histamines. I get very little eczema now and it never gets out of control like it used to. I%26#039;ve been almost clear for two years now.|||My daughter had severe eczema and through a proper understanding of what exactly eczema is I was able to get hers under control. I of course had to use the steroid cream but at first it wasn%26#039;t helping any. Come to find out it was other things causing the cream not to work. For instance, the laundry soap I was using. When I switched to All Free and Clear that helped. I also had to stop using bleach because that would aggravate it too. I had to switch to unscented lotions. (Eucerin works the best) I also had to switch to Dove soaps and shampoos for her. Once I took care of what was causing the eczema flare ups it made the cream much more effective. It%26#039;s an exhausting job to localize what is causing it but in the end it%26#039;s worth it. She has been breakout free now for two years and we are so excited about it. Good luck!!|||My husbands daughter was covered with eczema as a young child.Her monther tried everything that the doctor prescribed without success.Then on advice of a friend she sought the help of a chinese herbalist.She had to drink this made up mixture that was prescribed,which was a bit unpleasant,but within the week she was practically clear. Eventually after a month or so,she was clear and has never had a re-accurance since.Try it.

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