Saturday, December 12, 2009

Does anyone know if using steroid cream for excema long-term can cause dehydration?

yes it can my brother has suffered excema for years since childhood he is now 37, steriods such betnovate which he was using for years did cause dehydration and the other thing that docs dont tell you about steriods is that they cause the bones to become brittle over a long long period of time, and can lead to oestoporosis in some people, check it out its worth learning what other things steriod use can do to damage our health.|||Thanks for asking the question|||not that i%26#039;m aware of but what steroid creams will do over time is thin the skin which is not a good idea - alternate with non-steroid to protect long term damage or find a completely different one altogether.|||No but it will thin the skin, you get dehydrated because all the fluid you intake goes straight to your skin as thats where you need it. Use plenty of diprobase or cetramagrogol whenever you feel like it.|||I dont think it causes dehydration, at least I have never heard of it, but it does cause the skin to become thin if you use stroid cream in exess.

just drink plenty then you wont have to worry about dehydration.

At least 6 litres a day

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