Monday, December 21, 2009

Steroid creams?

i havent realised that for last few months i have been using steroid cream on my eye lids to clear some dry skin. im using moisturizers, but from time to time i find that teh dry skin will appear every week and a half. has my eye lids adapeted to the steriod cream? if so is there a way of changing my body (well my eye lids) back and they not been affected by the steroid cream? (if anybody get what im saying please help, it hard to explain what i mean)

thanks|||i put a dab of vaseline on my eyelids at night. if they seem too dry or irritated, i put a dab of neosporin. hope this helps.|||Oh, you mean you both have Ocular Congingivitis, like the guy on the movie Shallow Hal?

That was a joke, just a joke. I%26#039;m not trying to make fun of you. If you have seen the movie, you%26#039;d understand my joke.

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