Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Does steroid cream lower your immunity to infections?

I have little patches of eczema on my toes, face, fingers- randomly, and I have been using steroid cream daily to keep them from being very itchy. I keep feeling not good, like maybe I have a low-grade infection or something?|||No, the eczema is caused by your body%26#039;s inability to produce the natural steroid. This also causes the immune system to become depressed. Using it to control your eczema is fine, steroid creams usually contain a small percentage of steroid so there is no danger. Talk to your doc about trying some low dose prednisone to better control it, say 5 - 7.5mg per day by mouth which will increase your immunity and help your eczema. Dosages higher than this will also lower your immunity so it really is about balance.

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